Zubair Ali SahiL

Zubair Ali Sahil

What is Love Without Respect?

What is in the words of “I love you” if there is no respect? It is so easy these days to say I love you. We can say it through singing telegrams, flowers, candy, gifts, chocolate and even text messages now. The traditional way to let someone know you love and care about them is by giving them a card that says so. Even phone conversations often end with a little “I love you” as we run to our next action for the day.

But how many times can we say I love and yet refuse to listen? How many times can we say ‘I love you’ and criticize our partner’s their thoughts or actions if they are not like ours. Showing true love in our lives to our partners and family begins with respect. It is sustained with continual appreciation and respect for that special person in our lives. Respect is sometimes defined as “having regard for” or “appreciation of”; and my favorite definition is “avoiding violation of.” How do we avoid violating our partner or loved one?

A violation within a relationship can happen in many ways, but it always involves breaking the will of someone else. When we break the will of our partner, they will struggle with trusting us. Breaking that person’s will usually lead to breaking their spirit.

If you find your partner does not have the “spirit” or energy to keep trying then do a check on the respect areas of your relationship with these questions:

1. When they speak do you listen or ignore them?

2. When they have an idea do you praise or belittle that idea?

3. When they accomplish something or perform a difficult task do you offer praise and acknowledgment of a job well done?

4. Do you talk down to your partner?

Your answers here will help you to realize if you are respecting and honoring your partner within your relationship or taking them for granted.

2 Responses to "Zubair Ali Sahil"

Nice Site Zubaireeeee

Hey ma prince i do well know that it was also ur blog

or may b which is concern with urs

kei nang bek ma iit khi hi ma prince and

u should know that i will iit u till the end

when me say i x except u any it means i’m always care for u ma prince kei iit cip khi hi

take good care and have some rest maw

nang ma zong khu ngai huai sa ing kei ma leh kei ma

zong khua ngai huai sa ing

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